How Funny are You?


People always ask me ‘can you make me funny?’  In fact, I think it was Jimmy Carr (or insert name of your favourite comedian) who was the first.

It’s about the only thing I don’t joke about.  I can’t make you funny, you already are.  What I try and do is help you find it.  You’ll find more on this if you head to ‘How does it work?’

For now, answer the questions below, and if they are all the same then click the final YES or NO to see if you’re funny or not.

Have you ever told a joke? YES  NO

Are you aware of anyone spontaneously wetting themselves in your company (it’s better if this is due to your wit, but other reasons are valid too) YES  NO

Do you sometimes laugh out loud (not inappropriately) YES  NO

Do you have a favourite comedian?  Is it me? (double points if you answer ‘yes’ to this) YES  NO

Do new partners laugh when you undress? (bugger, just me on this one)YES  NO

Would friends describe you as witty, outgoing and engaging (or are they much too mean spirited) YES  NO

Would you ever consider attending Theo’s Comedy Skool?